Scentsy/Grace Adele - Dana (Independent Consultant)
11 Rockmont Ct NW,Business details
How to Save Money When Ordering
By combining products you will be able to save money. For example, you will save $6 with a Scentsy Bar 6, versus buying them individually which adds up to $36. Warmer & Scent of the Month Scentsy Promotion
The Warmer & Scent of the Month Scentsy Promotion is offered every month at a 10% discount. If you like to decorate for the seasons & holidays then this promotion is for you.
Other Scentsy Promotions
Several other Scentsy Promotions run throughout the year. Some examples are as follows…During November 2012 Scentsy had Foam Frenzy, which was buy one get one free fragrance foam. Also During December 2012, right before Christmas Scentsy was awesome and gave everyone a Scentsy Buddy BOGO. Be sure to check often to find out what current Scentsy promotions are happening.
You may also Contact Me to hear about my own Independent Scentsy Consultant promotions that may be different than those listed here.
Language options
- English
Business hours
- Wednesday By appointment
- Thursday By appointment
- Friday By appointment
- Saturday By appointment
- Sunday By appointment
- Monday By appointment
- Tuesday By appointment