Business details
Svaatanya yoga saves you time and money delivering stress relief, relaxation and really good health to you in your community and work environment.
Svaatanya goal is to make you free, powerful and in control of your own life, physically, mentally, emotionally, through the physical practice of yoga.
Svaatanya brings yoga to you in your office, work environment and community centers and yoga studios, in a way that is accessible to everyone.
At Svaatanya yoga we want to improve your workplace culture, and productivity by offering the benefits of a high quality yoga class to all employees and management. Yoga will de-stress your office coworkers and employees, leaving more people in the office feeling good. And as people feel better, the interoffice social dynamic will greatly start to improve as people start attracting more and more positive social interactions in the office, leaving work and fun, happy, joyful place to be.
The better you feel at work all day, not only will that large chunk of time in your life be GREAT, but you will be up, positive, and happily ready to have an awesome time as soon as you transition into your personal life.
Through the yoga offered by Svaatanya, office productivity and efficiency will also be improved because when people feel good and relaxed they imbue that feeling, intent and energy into the quality of work they produce. Leaving the bottom line product or service enhanced, and employee satisfaction in a job well done, enhanced, because everyone feels better if they feel good about the quality of what they are giving.
Language options
- English
Business hours
- Tuesday
- Wednesday
- Thursday
- Friday
- Saturday
- Sunday
- Monday