Business details
Here you can find the biggest collection of head shop and smoking paraphernalia. With this wide range of products, directly available from our warehouse, Smoke Tower Ltd. represents the market leader in this business segment.
The Smoke Tower™ Ltd. team has a proud history of selling smoking related merchandise and is one of the most successful online head shops in Europe. So that's why you can find the best collection of European style smoking accessories in our website.
From the early beginnings of our first online shop, customers have always praised our selection, value for money, and flair for the alternative lifestyle scene. 7 years ago, our online shop opened up, specializing in smoking accessories in Sweden.
Our easy to use website help you to find your favourite products fast and our highly secure Canadian payment system gives you confidence during your happy shopping. Your credit card information will not be stored in our website or server.
Language options
- English
Business hours
- Friday Open 24 hours
- Saturday Open 24 hours
- Sunday Open 24 hours
- Monday Open 24 hours
- Tuesday Open 24 hours
- Wednesday Open 24 hours
- Thursday Open 24 hours