Business details
I love art. I love painting and creating. I always have and I always will. One of the most exciting things for me is to see that excitement, that fire come to life in others. I have been fortunate, Art has always been apart of my life. Creating started when I was wee, in my folks backyard armed with finger paints and sun dyes….(what was my Mom thinking!) I jest…She was igniting the passion of an artist.
I was able to further my artist passion when I attended Emily Carr University. There, I was able to expand my knowledge of colour under the tutelage of Tom Hudson and his amazing and intense theory colour classes, begin to discover the possibilities of Mixed Media Art and fuel my love of book arts under the guidance of Nick Bantock. I was so fortunate.
Life proceeded on as it often does and I became a Mama. A Mama to three and then two more yup, that’s 5..Throw in a couple of dogs and cat with a whole lot of ‘tude and you have some crazy, busy times. Not so much art. but, then things began to shift, nestlings began to grow up and art wriggled right back into my life and Mama became Mama Crow (that’s me!).
For 9 years as Mama Crow, I was blessed to have a eclectic shop and art studio full of all things bright and shiny. I was able to surround myself with creativity,(not to mention paint, beads and a few peacock feathers thrown in for good measure) Here I discovered my passion for igniting the creative soul in others and have recently, refocused all this yummy artsy juju and opened a funky little art studio…The Crow’s Nest Art Studio.
Here I can teach and share the things I love. Mixed Media, Encaustic, Painting, book arts, journalling and some jewelry making (‘cause a girls gotta have a little bling!).
I have been teaching and encouraging artistic endeavors for over 10 years and I love the feeling of creating and helping others connect with art through creative expression and exploration. Creativity is in all of us, we just all have different ways of expressing it and I look forward to seeing your creative side. Who knows the artsy trouble we can get into.
Language options
- English